Sports Therapy

Are you recovering from a hospital stay, coming from an injury, do you have specific complaints? We accompany your training in a targeted manner - for the fastest, most successful and sustainable regeneration possible.

After surgery, after finishing physiotherapy or after a stay in a clinic, recovery is far from complete. We support you in continuing and adapting your further training safely and in a sensible manner. The training program is always individually tailored to your afflictions: By training you can alleviate the symptoms and prevent them from reappearing.

Training is possible for everyone, regardless of the severity of the restrictions. The goals:

  • return to the desired level of performance
  • prevent recurrence
  • to keep the current status as long as possible

In addition to psychotherapy and, if necessary, medication, sport and exercise are also extremely important components in the treatment of mental illnesses: Various scientific studies have clearly demonstrated their effectiveness.


  • Training after Physio

    After an injury or operation, you have completed your physiotherapy. Now it's about continuing to train independently and sensibly. We support you with the right exercises and training planning.

  • Training with NCD

    In the case of so-called "non-communicable diseases" such as diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, respiratory diseases or mental illnesses, sport has been proven to be an important support in promoting health.

  • Training for Pain

    If you have knee, back, hip or other pain in the musculoskeletal system, the barrier to training is often higher because of fear. With the right exercises, we can help you reduce or completely get rid of pain.

Your Coaches

  • Sandra Berger

    Ich habe an der Universität Bern Sportwissenschaft und Psychologie studiert. Nur wenn die Balance zwischen Körper und Psyche stimmt, fühlen wir uns wirklich wohl und können so unsere volle Leistung erbringen. Diese Überzeugung setze ich in unseren Trainings und Coachings um.

  • Adrian Oggenfuss

    Ich bin fasziniert von den vielfältigen Einflüssen, die Sport und Bewegung auf unsere Gesundheit und unser Wohlbefinden haben. Nach meinem Studium in Sportwissenschaft an der Universität Bern habe ich deshalb an der Uni Basel die Ausbildung als Personal Health Coach absolviert.

Our Process

1. Free initial consultation
2. Discussion of symptoms and previous therapy
3. Implementation of the Functional Movement Screen
4. Training planning and goal setting
5. First sports therapy units (30 or 60 minutes)
6. Use of the OnMind Health Platform for documentation and independent training

Your Benefits

  • Recognized by health insurance companies
  • Training with us or at your home
  • Individual training plan
  • Documentation on Health App
  • Scientifically based coaching
  • Teaser Titel

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